Children’s Ministry

We believe that parents, not churches, have the primary responsibility for the spiritual nurture of their children.

We want to partner with you in your God-given responsibility to raise your children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). We believe that God chose you to teach your children, to train them, to impart biblical values to them, to discipline them, and to help them become the man or woman He has called them to be.

We want our children at Fellowship Bible Church to become so saturated with the Word of God that they treasure Christ alone as the One who saves and satisfies the heart.

It is our desire to infuse in them a vision of God according to His infallible Word. We want them to know who He is, and who we are in relation to Him. It is our hope to build a strong foundation of doctrine and truth.

We want to present God as the hero of every story in the Bible. We approach our teaching with a God-centered worldview seeking to impart in them a faith that will last.

We want them to love the Lord their God with all their heart, and to delight in Him forever.

Parental Involvement in Children’s Ministry

There are many ways you can engage in FBC Children’s Ministry.

The first and most important is to make Children’s ministry a priority in your home.

Get involved with your child through encouraging and listening to them as they work through the AWANA handbook and discussing the Parent Resource Page from Kids’ Klub during the week.

Encourage and support the teachers and leaders in the Children’s Ministry.

Join the fun and serve in the Children’s Ministry. You will be challenged and stretched as you grow.

Take a Look:

Children’s Ministry Brochure – CLICK HERE

Preshool Ministry – CLICK HERE

Kids’ Klub (1st – 6th Grade) – CLICK HERE

AWANA (3yrs – 6th Grade) – CLICK HERE